Sunday 18 December 2016

Military warns soldiers against extortion at checkpoints

Newly appointed Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Naval Command, Rear Admiral James Oluwole (left) and other officers
The Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Naval Command, Rear Admiral James Oluwole, has warned soldiers against extorting money from motorists at checkpoints.

Oluwole gave this warning at the headquarters of the Eastern Naval Command in Calabar, Cross River State during a sensitisation campaign for members of the Armed Forces of Nigeria on value system and re-orientation.

Oluwole, who was represented by the Chief Staff Officer of the command, Rear Admiral Obi Ofodile, said the army was bent on bringing back the core value of discipline among its officers and men.

He said the campaign was organised by the Defence Headquarters to achieve accountability, transparency and dedication to service with a view to complementing ‘the change mantra of the present administration.

According to Oluwole, the objective of the orientation is to instil discipline, attitudinal change, patriotism, bring back the value systems and ensure dedication to service.

He warned military personnel to desist from collecting money from motorists along the highways, adding that anyone caught in the act would be disciplined.

He said the duty of soldiers on the highways was to provide security for motorists and not to extort money from them.

“If anyone extorts money from motorists along the highway and the matter is brought to the notice of the authorities of the Armed Forces, that matter will be dealt with decisively.

“We will not condone that because we all know the basic expectations in the Armed Forces; what you are supposed to do and what you are not supposed to do. Collecting money from motorists is a very dirty thing and we will not condone that.

“Mr. President has launched the ‘change begins with me, campaign to correct many things that have gone wrong. The campaign is to restore our values in the workplace,” he said.

The Commander, 13 Brigade Nigeria Army, Calabar, Brig-Gen. Bulama Biu, also said the military had imbibed the ‘change mantra’ of the present administration.

Biu said the Armed Forces were ready to deliver the dividends of security to the populace, adding that the present administration attached top priority to issues of security.

One of the facilitators of the workshop, Maj-Gen. O.S Adeosun (retd.), said the workshop was organised to build a bridge between the military and the government.

--Roluyo Hammed contributed reporting.

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